Keep Your Healthy Smile With Dental Sedation Options in Byron
Everyone’s dental anxiety is different. That’s why our team at Northwest Dental Group has so many ways of helping our patients overcome it. With our dental sedation options in Byron, you can:
- Stay pain-free and relaxed during treatment
- Get more done during dental visits
- Keep your smile healthy and attractive
We offer multiple forms of sedation, so you can find the option that works best for you.
Call (507) 203-2332 to find out about our approach to patient comfort at Northwest Dental Group.
Find the Perfect Solution for You
Sedation dentistry has helped countless people manage dental anxiety and fear. Sedation blocks pain. It prevents you from gagging, and it helps you remain calm through dental cleanings and exams and during more complex procedures.
Your choices include:
- Inhaled Sedation – You probably know this better as “laughing gas.” It is administered through a small mask, and the gas gives people a feeling of mild euphoria. This is our mildest form of sedation. It’s also safe for kids.
- Pre-Op Sedative – If you are nervous about having oral surgery or other procedures, you will be given a pill right before your treatment to relax you.
- Oral Sedation – This yields a similar, but stronger, relaxant effect than a pre-op sedative. You will take the pill at home before coming to our office for your appointment.
Our experienced staff safely administers the sedation method of your choice, and you are closely monitored throughout your procedure. We will discuss each method with you to ensure you make an informed decision. You will receive thorough instructions on how the process works. With some methods, for example, you will need to arrange for a ride home as you’ll be unable to drive.
Stay Calm & Comfortable
In addition to sedation, our caring staff can deliver local anesthetic to numb your mouth as well. Many patients also appreciate the mental benefits of our comfort options, such as cozy blankets and TV, so you can feel more comfortable during your visits with us.
At Northwest Dental Group, we have dental sedation options in Byron that will work for you! Call (507) 203-2332 to request an appointment, or schedule online.

This was about the best possible experience you could have at the dentist.
-Jessica B.

Schedule your next dental appointment with the exceptional care of Northwest Dental Group
A Reason to smile
What Makes us unique?-
4 Accessible Locations
Advanced Dental Technology
Relaxing Sedation Options
Care for the Whole Family

Northwest Dental Group